
Document Metadata

Document-wide options under the closeread-html format key in YAML format.


Toggle debug mode.

parent key
possible values
  • false
  • true

Removes the space for the header at the top of the document. Useful when you want the document to start immediately with a closeread section.

parent key
possible values
  • false
  • true

Define the relative positioning of the narrative and sticky columns in all sections in the document. Is overridden if a section specifies its own layout.

parent key
possible values
  • sidebar-left
  • sidebar-right
  • overlay-left
  • overlay-center
  • overlay-right
No matching items

Closeread Component Options

Closeread takes advantage of the Pandocs’s fenced div and bracketed span syntax to pass options to sections, triggers, and stickies. The fenced div syntax allows you to wrap block content (a figure, a paragraph, etc) in a div and pass it one or more identifiers, classes, and attributes.

:::{#myid .myclass myattribute="something"}
< block content like a figure or paragraph >

The bracketed span allows you to wrap inline content (a word or phrase, a citation, etc) in a span and pass the same information.

Hello world [@cr-hello]{#myid .myclass myattribute="something"}

Identifiers start with #; classes start with ., and attributes have a key / value pair separated by = and no spaces. You can assign to a div one or more of each of these (though they must be supplied in identifier-class-attributes order) as long as each is separated by a space.

Section Options

A closeread section is a div with the class cr-section that contains stickies and triggers.


Defines the relative positioning of the narrative and sticky columns. Overrides any layout set in the document metadata.

pandoc attribute
possible values
  • sidebar-left
  • sidebar-right
  • overlay-left
  • overlay-center
  • overlay-right
No matching items

Sticky Options

A sticky block is a fenced div tagged with an identifier prefixed with cr-.


Identify an element as a sticky element.

pandoc identifier
possible values
  • #cr-*
No matching items

Trigger Block Options

A trigger block is a div with the focus-on attribute to trigger effects on a particular sticky element. Paragraphs allow the use of the citation syntax (@cr-mysticky) as a shortcut to wrap the paragraph in a div with the focus-on attribute.


Used in a div to indicate which sticky to focus on. Will remove the transparency from the sticky and use it in any focus effects.

pandoc attribute
possible values
  • cr-{sticky-name}

Highlight a single line number, a set of line numbers (separated by commas), or a range of line numbers (separated by a hyphen). Works to highlight both code cell stickies and line blocks stickies. Within a line block sticky, you can additionally highlight a single span contained in that line block with an identifier prefixed with cr- or a set of spans separated by commas.

pandoc attribute
possible values
  • "3"
  • "3,7"
  • "3-7"
  • "cr-span1"
  • "cr-span1,cr-span2"
No matching items

Keyboard Hotkeys

While viewing a closeread document in a browser, you can press certain hotkeys to toggle features.

Hotkey Effect


Toggle presentation mode


Scroll to next trigger


Scroll to previous trigger